INVL Asset Management’s address in Vilnius is changing on 2nd of November

The address of INVL Asset Management in Vilnius is changing. Effective 2 November, the company will provide services to clients in the Lithuanian capital at its office in the Vilnius Gates complex at Gynėjų g. 14. The headquarters of INVL Asset Management will also be at the same address.

INVL Asset Management’s client service centre in Vilnius will be open for business from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on working days. The company’s office in the capital until now, at Maironio g. 11 on 30 October will work from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

The company also provides services to clients at offices in Kaunas (Savanorių pr. 349) and Klaipėda (Naujoji uosto g. 8-309). And information about the company’s services is available by telephone at +370 700 55 959 and by e-mail to [email protected].

INVL Asset Management offers pension and mutual fund asset management as well as other investment services. In developing products for individuals, the company focuses both on the needs of those who are just starting to save for retirement as well as on the needs of active investors and those interested in alternative investment solutions.

In managing pension funds, INVL Asset Management offers a pension accumulation approach based on products that are suited to the ages of pension fund participants. Mutual funds are another asset management area that is relevant to individuals. The mutual funds managed by INVL Asset Management, which for several years now have earned strong international reviews, are available not only in Lithuania, but also in the Scandinavian countries and Germany.

The company also offers products for those planning larger investments – from alternative investments and individual portfolios to private equity arrangements.